
Crowd Control

AAA Event Services provides a large selection of crowd control products for our clients. These products include barriers, bullhorns, parking cones, car barriers, rope and stanchions.

Barricades 4ft High

CODE: crowd-control-002

4' high x 8' wide


CODE: crowd-control-003

Weatherproof mike hooks onto rear for standard use. Megaphone may be shoulder mounted with mike detached. Coiled cord and talk switch on mike for hand-held use. Solid state amplifier has a signal alarm for warning alert, fog horn, or \"mayday\".

Parking Cones

CODE: crowd-control-005

Parking Cones 28". See crowd control category for other traffic control products, such as stanchions, bike racks, etc.

Rope And Stanchion

CODE: crowd-control-006

Classic polished chrome posts and rich velour ropes provide stylish, portable traffic guides. The Stanchion's heavy-duty shell is mirror-polished. Also see Bike racks, and other traffic guides - crowd control category